We’re excited to march this Sunday in the 2019 Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade! We’ve rented a double decker bus with banners to promote the club, and DJ Jessica Lam will be spinning Pride tunes for us down Ocean Drive. It’s not too late to sign up through our website—see below for information about the parade’s release form.
Here’s everything you need to know about the day:
10:00 AM: Meet the bus at 350 Ocean Drive* [UPDATE: we’re at 5th and Collins in a red double-decker bus] Voter registration training on the bus
11:00 AM: Registration closes (all participants must have signed the parade’s release form by this time)
12:00 noon: Parade begins
2:00 PM: Parade ends; Go to B Bar (in the basement of the Betsy Hotel, 1440 Ocean Dr.) for voter registration staging
4:00 PM: Return voter registration forms to B Bar
*the bus may not be at this exact location—call or text Bill Warren at 305-495-3472 if you can’t find us
Wristbands and Release Forms
Everyone in the parade must have a wristband. We will have wristbands only for those who have completed the parade’s release form by 5 pm on Friday, April 5. All others will need to do so between 10 and 11 am on Sunday, April 7 on their mobile device and pick up a wristband from the parade organizers.
Staging Area
Everyone should be at the bus by 10:30 am. Feel free to bring (or go buy) food and non-alcoholic drinks as we wait for the parade to begin. There is no alcohol allowed before or during the parade.
We will also have Miami Beach Dems t-shirts available for pickup and sale at the staging area. We ask that everyone in our contingent wear one of the shirts during the parade.
The parade will start at noon at 5th and Ocean Drive and proceed down Ocean Drive to 15th Street. The bus will move slowly and stop along the parade route, so you’ll be able to hop on and off to mingle with attendees and register voters.
Everyone will disembark at 15th and Ocean Drive; those doing voter registration will go to the staging location at B Bar, in the basement of the Betsy Hotel (1440 Ocean Dr).
Please let us know if you have any questions. We’re grateful for your support, and we hope to see you on Sunday!