March 2019 Meeting Recap

Couldn't make it to our last membership meeting? We've got you covered!
Here's what went down:
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Sally Heyman addressing the Club.

Welcome New Members!

We had about 50 attendees at our March membership meeting. We had 78 members in February and have since added 5 more for a total of 82. Welcome to our new members!

President's and Vice President's Reports

Club President Dan Royles reported on recent efforts planning for the Club’s participation in the upcoming Miami Beach Pride parade as well as planning for neighborhood/building organizer training. Read on for more info about our first meeting for building/neighborhood organizers.
Club Vice President Ariel Morel also reported on his work revising the club bylaws with the executive board. The revised bylaws will come before the general membership at a later meeting.

Treasurer's Election

Our longtime treasurer, Sam Carson, has announced that he will be stepping down from his role as treasurer in order to take on other opportunities with the Club. We thank him for his service!
We will elect a new treasurer at our next meeting, on April 15. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please email Credentials Chair Gavin Johnson ([email protected]) with your nomination. Those who are nominated by Sunday, April 14 at 5 pm will be able to communicate with the club's membership regarding their candidacy. We will also accept nominations from the meeting floor, and all candidates will have the chance to briefly address the club before voting begins. Candidates must be members at the time of the election, and everyone will have the opportunity to pay membership dues at the beginning of the meeting.

Non-Profit Spotlight: SMASH

Thank you to Wilnard Baker for speaking to the Club about SMASH, the non-profit that is working to combat homelessness, and create more affordable housing in Miami-Dade. Wilnard spoke movingly about his own experience with homelessness after being outed to his own family, and how that has pushed him to advocate for homeless LGBT youth. He was excited to announce progress on a new project that would include transitional housing for LGBT youth mixed with affordable housing in Liberty City. You can read more about SMASH at

Commissioner Sally Heyman 

We were pleased to welcome Miami-Dade County Commissioner for District 4, Sally Heyman.
Commissioner Heyman gave an update on her work representing us at the County level, including her efforts to alleviate traffic coming onto and off of the Beach.
She also announced she would be personally donating $100 to our Pride Parade float. Thank you, Commissioner!

Candidate Spotlight: Rafael Velasquez

We heard from Rafael Valasquez, who is running for Miami Beach City Commission. If you are a candidate for public office and would like to speak to the Club, please contact our Campaigns Chair, Matthew Land: [email protected]

Assault Weapons Ban Petition

University of Miami law student Aaron Graubert discussed his work and collected petitions for adding an assault weapons ban to the Florida ballot in 2020. You can read and download your own copy of the petition at


Don't miss our next meeting!

Monday, April 15 at 7pm

Gaythering Hotel, 1409 Lincoln Road


Coming Up

Neighborhood/Building Organizers Meeting

The road to 2020 starts now—help us build power at the grassroots by organizing in your neighborhood or building! This meeting will introduce you to the Miami-Dade Democratic Party's Neighborhood/Building Organizers program, and give you the skills you need to help turn Florida blue!

Political Communications Workshop

Want to learn how to talk to the powers that be? How to deliver a political message and make it stick? How to raise your voice and be heard? Join us for this workshop on political communication, led by Campaign Chair Matthew Land!
Join us at 6 pm on April 2 for a happy hour drink, courtesy of The Lincoln Eatery, followed by the workshop at 6:30!
  • Tuesday April 2, 6pm
  • The Lincoln Eatery, 723 North Lincoln Lane, Miami Beach

Pride Parade & Voter Registration

We want you to join us in the Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade on Sunday, April 7! We're getting a double-decker bus and banners with our name and logo, and we'll be registering new voters during the parade and at the festival afterward.
Sign up below, where you'll see a link to fill out a consent form and purchase a T-Shirt ($10).
  • Sunday, April 7, 10 AM.
  • We'll gather at Ocean Drive and 3rd Street at 10 am. Once the parade ends at Ocean Drive and 15th Street, we'll disperse to register voters at the Pride Festival in Lummus Park. 


Miami AIDS Walk

Stay tuned for more details from our outreach chair, Amanda Knapp, about our participation in the Miami AIDS Walk, Sunday, April 28. 

Come to our April Membership Meeting

Our April Membership meeting will be on Monday, April 15 at 7pm. We'll be back at our usual location, the Hotel Gaythering, at 1409 Lincoln Rd. Our guest speaker will be Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. We’ll see you then!

Dues! Dues! Dues!

Your dues payments keep the club running, so that we can help elect Democrats to all levels of political office. You can pay your $25 annual dues in person (cash, check, or credit) at our meetings, or on our website. Not sure if you're paid up? Email our club secretary Ileana Oroza ([email protected]) to find out.
  • Dan Royles
    published this page in Blog 2019-03-30 13:32:02 -0400