We have some big elections coming up and we need our club to be firing on all cylinders to get the outcomes we want - which is more good Democrats elected to office.
Which is why we want YOU to join our leadership team.
We have two vacancies that we need to fill: Fundraising Committee Chair and Data Committee Chair. Here's what you'd be doing:
Fundraising Committee Chair
Responsible for ensuring the club holds at least one recruitment / fundraiser and one charitable fundraiser each year. The Chair/Vice-Chair(s) should ensure to coordinate efforts with other Chair/Vice-Chair(s) of relevant committees to maximize efforts within the club (if applicable).
The Chair will also work with relevant committees and other clubs and caucuses (if applicable) for any charitable fundraising efforts that the club may undertake throughout the year.
Data Committee Chair
The Chair of this Committee is responsible for maintaining the data for the club which includes electoral outreach numbers including text messages sent, postcards sent, phone calls made, doors knocked, volunteers recruited and trained, fundraising data which includes both charitable and club fundraising, electoral information regarding precinct data in Miami Beach and other data sets.
In conjunction with other committees such as the Communications Committee, Campaign and other committees, this Committee will work to inform our membership and the public at large the level of involvement and outreach that the club has undertaken as well as to inform electoral strategies and other initiatives.
If you are interested, or just want to learn more, email us at [email protected].
Interested in joining a different committee? Check out our Get Involved page.
Help build Democratic power here in Miami Beach and beyond.
Steven Hawes published this page in Blog 2021-07-22 16:03:32 -0400