Miami Beach Dems' summer barbecue raises over $1,500 for our fight to defeat Trump in 2020

On Sunday, July 28, The Miami Beach Democratic Club held our annual summer barbecue, and thanks to our host and the many generous attendees and donors, it was a huge success in our efforts to build organizing power for 2020. 

First, a big thank you to Sam Carson for hosting us at his beautiful home, and for providing the wine. Thank you also to David Richardson for donating the food for the event. Finally, we want to thank our members Angel Triana, Sue Kilrain, and Paul Kilrain for their generous donations. Thanks again to all!

Some numbers:

  • We had nearly 60 attendees
  • Thanks to you, we raised more than $1,500 from ticket sales and raffles

We were pleased to welcome the following elected officials and candidates:

  • Daniella Levine Cava (current Miami-Dade County Commissioner and candidate for Miami-Dade County Mayor)
  • Eileen Higgins (Miami-Dade County Commissioner, District 5)
  • Michael Grieco (Florida State Representative, House District 113)
  • Michael Góngora (Miami Beach City Commissioner)
  • David Richardson (candidate for Miami Beach Commission)
  • Kristen Rosen Gonzalez (candidate for Miami Beach Commission)

Senator Jason Pizzo and Rachel Pacheco (candidate for Miami Beach Commission) did not attend, but contributed generous donations. Thanks to both of them!

A collage of images from the Barbecue

Thank you all! For those who couldn't make it to our summer barbecue but would still like to contribute to our mission of organizing in Miami Beach, registering voters, phone banking, writing letters and postcards, building up our neighborhood and building organizers program, and all the forums, events and digital outreach we do, every little bit counts. You can donate here:


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